Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wake the Dreamer

Last night I had a pretty intense dream. The kind that you honestly think is real and you can't believe it's happening.

I was in the forest, walking calmly along what could have passed for a path, if there wasn't so much brush in the way. However, I knew the entire time that something was following me, yet I kept walking as if nothing was wrong. I heard whispers from all around me, and this time I could make out what they were saying:




"Embrace it."

"...across space and time..."

"Don't fear [???] happens is the will of [???]."

"...darkness, grime and gloom..."

"...come, let us..."

I began to feel like I was suffocating; the more I walked the more I felt like I should run. But dreams are dreams and they have laws you can't break. I raised my head and saw...people, hundreds of them, standing as if they were statues. I couldn't make out their expressions though I walked passed them easily.

But the moment I got passed more than a dozen I felt a burning cold hand grab my upper arm and drag me back. The still people began to move, their faces ugly and frightening as they descended upon me.

My heart jolted me awake and I spent the rest of the night awake. The back of my head tingled like someone was running their long fingers through the wrinkles of my brain.

What was that?

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